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Showing posts from June, 2015

Random Trail Running Gear That I Love 🏃‍♀️🏞❤️

Preparing for GNW100 - Week 1 - Monday

I'm doing a week of my life as a blog as I start training for the GNW 100 miler which is in September. This is my first week of dedicated training, it was meant to start last week but after running a PW in the Trotters Handicap Time Trial and then a terrible low HR session, I was told to have a week off and start training next week. Training Monday is a rest day, so there is no training. However I do ride my skateboard to the gym (1.5kms away) to do my rolling and stretching session. I pack my own foam roller and accessories and spend around 20-30 minutes rolling and stretching. Mostly my legs, hips etc and a little upper body. The gym I go to is called Balance at Mayfield and it's also the gym where the Knights players train, so there's frequently footballers wandering around. Dad likes to know who they are, but I have no idea about football... They are all just really big guys that wander around parts of the gym. Also, only going there to roll & stretch means that I d...

Outrunning Glow Worms

I ran Glow Worm Trail Marathon last year for the first time and absolutely loved it. The race, the location, the glow worm tunnel…. The whole thing. So this year I HAD to go back to have another go at it. Mum who’d recently been reading Wild came along for the adventure with the intention of reenacting the book (She can actually quote parts of it). We reached Newnes on Saturday just after lunchtime and while the kids race was still going. Lots of people in the town and the campgrounds and heaps of kids and families running around. Setting up camp down in the free campground at the end of the road we constructed our bivy size tents and unloaded some of the car before heading into the event hub. GWTM and Newnes are pretty special. The town is really just a pub, but a pub that doesn’t have a liquor license… Although it does sell ice creams. And that’s it. At one stage the town was a thriving community of a couple of thousand people but that is long gone, there are ruins of the industry, h...